Cursor Pagination

Some of our endpoints provide cursor-based pagination. A cursor is a random string which points to a specific item in a list of data. A string pointed to an element can be changed in future. Therefore, your app should not store cursors.

curl "" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token>"

A result will contain segment with pagination which includes cursors to the first and the last item in the result. Reference will be empty if there are no elements before or after cursor.

Example of a segment with cursors:

  "after": "eyJpZCI6IkNISUEgU0VFRFMiLCJpbmRleCI6MTR9",
  "before": "eyJpZCI6IkdSQU5PTEEiLCJpbmRleCI6MTB9"



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