Public profiles
Posts and reviews API allows to support social functions in your App, like writing reviews for recipes , add Posts (with different types attached content), leave replies.
General information
Reviews and Posts entities
Reviews and Posts are technically separated entities on Whisk from UX perspective but there are connected in the back-end side.
Review in UX - special content which user could leave for a certain recipe. Review should include binary rate mandatory, and text, image, tags as optiional parameters.
Post in UX - special type of content which could be created by user and contain text, image, recipe or review.
On back-end side when we are getting request for creating a review for some recipe from a user we automatically create post in our system and put created review in it. So from this moment client will get post id every time when requestion review. So it is possible to call operations on Post if user want to do something with review. For example, to report review client should call post reporting endpoint.
Client could create reviews via reviews api or post api but it is recommended to create and edit reviews via reviews api cause reviews have more lightweighted structure.
Review object
Review object is a group of objects and attributes
Attributes description
Mandatory. Recipe id to which review relates
Optional. Text which will be attached to review
Mandatory. Rate attached to review.
Optional. Array of tags attached to review
Optional. Image object
After review creation and automatic attaching to Post on BE side review attributes text
and image
copy to post attributes.
Post object
Post object is a group of objects and attributes
Attributes description
Mandatory. Post id (unique)
Optional. Deprecated. Title for conversation Post.
Optional. Text attached to post.
Optional. Information for displaying post on HomeFeed or in profile
Mandatory. Data for displaying information about author
Mandatory. Data on post was added
Mandatory. Information about time since the post was added
Optional. Identify type of attachment for post
Optional. Represents image attachments to regular post
Optional. Shows if recipe was added as attachment to post. Can't use with recipe_with_rating
and other types
Optional.Shows if recipe review was added as attachment to post. Can't use with other types such as recipe_ids
Optional. Shows if communities were added to posts. Can't be used with other attachment types.
Optional. Shows replies to post
Optional. Shows reactions to post
Reply object
Reply object is a group of objects and attributes
Attributes description
Mandatory. Reply id (unique)
Optional. Text attached to reply.
Mandatory. Data for displaying information about author
Mandatory. Information about time since the reply was added
Optional. Identify type of attachment for reply. Could be either image or recipe. If there is no attachment it could be skipped
Optional. Represents images attachments to reply.
Optional. Shows if recipe was added as attachment to rely.
Optional. Shows reactions to post
Mandatory. Total number of replies
Standard pagination object
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