Store Item

Use-case request examples

Search a store item by name across retailers presented in the country defined in user preferences

No need to specify a retailer name in the request.

Avoidances, diets, preferred and disliked ingredients will be taken into account as soft filters.

The complete request model can be found in swagger.

curl -X POST "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Authorization: Bearer %USER_TOKEN%" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
  "query": "Banana",
  "cursor": {
    "limit": 10

Discontinued availability

Whisk can distinguish between discontinued and outOfStock products if a grocer provides the relevant information. Currently it's supported for Korean retailers. If a product is marked as out of stock in a product feed, Whisk will consider it may return in the future. Whisk will not return out of stock products for search requests.

  "is_available": false,
  "discontinued": false,

If product a product is completely missing in a feed, it's considered to be discontinued e.g.

  "is_available": false,
  "discontinued": true,

Last updated

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