Healthy recipe only recommendations for DA

Recommend for chosen mealtime

Full API reference

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer %USER_TOKEN%"

Recommend for chosen local time

Full API reference

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer %USER_TOKEN%"

Recommend for the whole day

Full API reference

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer %USER_TOKEN%"

Full API reference

health_profile.daily_kcal_goal is optional. We recommend not to pass it to let Whisk recommendation algorithm calculate it based on other parameters.

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer %USER_TOKEN%"

Example response

The fields below enable to render fine-tuned color-based indication for recommended nutrition values and how logged food data fits into the recommendations

nutrition_goal represents the complete daily goal for different nutrients

nutrition_goals_per_meal represents nutrition goal breakdown by mealtype. It sums up to nutrition_goal values.

levels_daily represents how different levels should be rendered within a certain goal

e.g. daily goal for FAT (from nutrition_goal field) is 72g and NUTRITION_LEVEL_NORMAL is between 0.8 and 1.2. It means logged nutrition values for FAT between 57.6g and 86.4g are considered normal and should be rendered in a green color (depending on the UI)

levels_per_meal represents recommended nutrition levels for each mealtype

e.g. recommended value for Carbohydrates (NUTRITION_CODE_CHOCDF from nutrition_goals_per_meal field) for Breakfast is 107g and NUTRITION_LEVEL_NORMAL is between 0.8 and 1. It means logged nutrition values for Carbohydrates between 85.6g and 107g are considered normal.

  "nutrition_goal": [
      "goal": 2600,
      "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_KCAL"
      "goal": 130,
      "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_PROCNT",
      "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
      "goal": 72.22222222222223,
      "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_FAT",
      "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
      "goal": 357.50000000000006,
      "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_CHOCDF",
      "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
  "levels_daily": {
    "levels": [
        "level": "NUTRITION_LEVEL_LOW",
        "range": {
          "less_then": {
            "value": 0.8
        "level": "NUTRITION_LEVEL_NORMAL",
        "range": {
          "between": {
            "left": 0.8,
            "is_left_closed": true,
            "right": 1.2,
            "is_right_closed": true
        "level": "NUTRITION_LEVEL_HIGH",
        "range": {
          "greater_then": {
            "value": 1.2
  "nutrition_goals_per_meal": [
      "meal_time": "MEAL_TIME_BREAKFAST",
      "goal": [
          "goal": 107.25000000000001,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_CHOCDF",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
          "goal": 21.666666666666664,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_FAT",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
          "goal": 39,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_PROCNT",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
          "goal": 780,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_ENERC_KCAL",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_KCAL"
      "meal_time": "MEAL_TIME_DINNER",
      "goal": [
          "goal": 107.25000000000001,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_CHOCDF",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
          "goal": 21.666666666666664,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_FAT",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
          "goal": 39,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_PROCNT",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
          "goal": 780,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_ENERC_KCAL",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_KCAL"
      "meal_time": "MEAL_TIME_LUNCH",
      "goal": [
          "goal": 107.25000000000001,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_CHOCDF",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
          "goal": 21.666666666666664,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_FAT",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
          "goal": 39,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_PROCNT",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
          "goal": 780,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_ENERC_KCAL",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_KCAL"
      "meal_time": "MEAL_TIME_SNACK",
      "goal": [
          "goal": 35.75000000000001,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_CHOCDF",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
          "goal": 7.222222222222223,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_FAT",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
          "goal": 13,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_PROCNT",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_G"
          "goal": 260,
          "code": "NUTRITION_CODE_ENERC_KCAL",
          "unit_name": "NUTRITION_UNIT_KCAL"
  "levels_per_meal": {
    "levels": [
        "level": "NUTRITION_LEVEL_VERY_LOW",
        "range": {
          "less_then": {
            "value": 0.5
        "level": "NUTRITION_LEVEL_LOW",
        "range": {
          "between": {
            "left": 0.5,
            "is_left_closed": true,
            "right": 0.8
        "level": "NUTRITION_LEVEL_NORMAL",
        "range": {
          "between": {
            "left": 0.8,
            "is_left_closed": true,
            "right": 1,
            "is_right_closed": true
        "range": {
          "between": {
            "left": 1,
            "right": 1.2,
            "is_right_closed": true
        "level": "NUTRITION_LEVEL_HIGH",
        "range": {
          "greater_then": {
            "value": 1.2

Last updated

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